
It's a Big Wide World
YouTube Recording
Underdog questions whether Bullwinkle is world famous as the announcer has suggested. Bullwinkle and company proceed to sing about parts of the world.
Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, it's show time! And here's our star, the world famous Bullwinkle Moose!
Bullwinkle: Heidi friends and neighbors!
Underdog: Bullwinkle! You're world famous?
Bullwinkle: Why certainly! They love me in Lapland, I am buffo in Bangladesh, and in Pottylvania...
Boris: What about Pottsylvania?
Bullwinkle: Just six weeks at the top of the hit parade, that's all!
Boris: Yeah! We hit you with tomatoes! Hehehe!
Rocky: Hit you with tomatoes? Didn't that hurt?
Bullwinkle: Well only when they forgot to take them out of the cans!
Underdog: Gee, if you've been all over the world, dontcha get tired of singin' and playin' in the same place all the time?
Bullwinkle: Heck fire no Underdog! With our music we can stay right here and still travel all over the world!
Underdog: Please, elucidate!
Bullwinkle: I'll do better than that, I'll show ya! What's our first stop?
Underdog: Well, how about old Mexico?
Bullwinkle: Nothing easier! Old Mexxxxico!
I love it here in Mexico, the weather's great by golly!
'Cause even if it's cold today, it's always hot tamale! Hahaha
It's a big wide world we live in with a lot of room to roam!
And if you travel with a song you'll always feel at home!
Hey Dudley, how about going to Venice Italy?
Dudley: I'm with you!
Venice has canals for streets I found out with a shock!
The time I tried to cross one in the middle of the block!
Now, what about the Swiss Alps Underdog?
Underdog: Let's go!
Swiss Alps are the place to be if you're really into snow!
You may not dig it before you come but you will before you go!
Together: Chorus
Underdog: Hey Natasha, what about Ireland?
Natasha: Let's go dah-link!
Ireland has lakes and hills for scenery and stops!
We hope to see it someday if the raining ever stops!
Together: Chorus
Natasha: Hey Squirrel, can we go to Hawaii?
Rocky: Sure! Listen to this!
To dance Hawaiian hulas, requires a special knack!
And also steel-balled bearings in your sacroiliac
Bullwinkle: Mighty fancy word Rock!
Together: Chorus
Rocky: Hey Bullwinkle! How 'bout finishing our trip by going to Scotland?
Bullwinkle: Okay Rock!
Bonnie Scotland that's the place we dance the island fling!
Of course the bagpipes play off-key but that's the way I sing!
Now you've heard the world we live in but no matter where you are
If you travel the world and have a song you're happier by far!
Bullwinkle: Well that's the end of our world cruise! And as the Yap islanders say, Bulunga!
Rocky: What's that mean?
Bullwinkle: That means "stop by Rocky's Trading Post for some swell Bullwinkle souvenirs!
Rocky: Bulunga means all that?
Bullwinkle: Yeah! Yap Islanders talk slow, but they listen real fast!
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